A natural approach to Pregnancy insomnia: Why is it happening and what you can do

Congratulations on this beautiful journey! As you prepare to welcome your little one, sleep becomes even more precious. But if you find yourself tossing and turning, staring at the ceiling, or waking up exhausted, you’re not alone. Let’s explore how to reclaim restful nights and support your well-being during this transformative time.

Understanding Insomnia in Pregnancy

Why Sleep Matters

Quality sleep is essential for your physical and mental health. During pregnancy, hormonal shifts, discomfort, and anxiety can disrupt your sleep cycle. Research shows that insomnia affects up to 78% of pregnant women

Prevalence of Insomnia in Pregnancy

A meta-analysis of 10 studies found that 42.4% of pregnant women experience insomnia in the third trimester.

Lack of sleep affects your mood, hormones, and overall well-being. It’s not just about feeling tired; sleep impacts your immune system, mood, and overall well-being.

Prioritize Your Sleep Sanctuary

Imagine you’re lying in bed, scrolling through your phone, and suddenly realize it’s past midnight. The bright screen has disrupted your melatonin production, making it harder to fall asleep. Try reading a book or practicing gentle stretches instead.

Dim the Lights

Recommendation: Create a calming bedtime routine. Dim the lights in your bedroom to signal your body that it’s time to wind down.

Tip: Turning off screens at least an hour before bed is essential. Blue light interferes with melatonin production.

Try this yoga nidra meditation video. It’s sure to get you into deep relaxation and sleep.

Power Down and Unplug

You’ve just finished a work email, and your mind is racing. Instead of diving into another task, take a warm bath or listen to soothing music. Give your brain a chance to unwind before slipping under the covers.

Get a Head Start

Recommendation: Avoid stimulating activities close to bedtime. Put away work, social media, and intense conversations.

Tip: Disconnect from devices and allow your mind to settle.

Download a sleep app such as Slumber to turn off the mental noise. 

Support your Rhythm

Your baby’s kicks often wake you up at 3 a.m. While it’s tempting to check your phone, resist the urge. Instead, focus on deep breathing and visualize a peaceful sunrise. Your body will thank you.

Embrace Your Body’s Clock

Recommendation: Our bodies thrive on routine. Maintain consistent sleep and wake times.

Insight: Circadian rhythms play a vital role in sleep quality. Align your sleep schedule with natural daylight.

Use a sunrise alarm clock such as this one so that you can reset your circadian rhythm all year round.

Do Your Worrying BEFORE Bed

You lie awake, thinking about the upcoming labor and whether you’ll be a good mom. Grab a notebook and jot down your fears. Acknowledge them, but also write down positive affirmations. Remember, you’re stronger than you realize.

Mind Over Midnight

Recommendation: Anxiety often peaks at night. Address worries during the day with loved ones. 

Practice: Try journaling, deep breathing, or gentle yoga to ease your mind.

Check out Chris Kressers article on mindfulness and how it can support your overall stress levels and sleep.

Herbs and Supplements

Your busy mind keeps you up at night. Brew a cup of chamomile tea and sip it while sitting in a comfortable chair. The warmth and calming effects will soothe both body and mind.

Natural Support

Recommendation: Herbal remedies can promote relaxation. Consider chamomile tea or passionflower extract.

Magnesium can support muscle and nerve relaxation, allowing your body to feel calm and get better sleep quality. 

Guidance: Consult a qualified practitioner for personalized advice.

When to Seek Professional Help

You’ve tried all the tips, but sleep remains elusive. Don’t hesitate to reach out to a Functional medicine practitioner. They can explore underlying causes and tailor holistic solutions to your unique needs.

Listen to Your Body

Recommendation: If insomnia persists, consult your healthcare provider 

Reminder: Regular check-ups and monitoring are crucial for sleep-related issues that continue even after you have tried a natural approach.

Conclusion: Prioritize Your Well-Being

You deserve restful nights. Remember, you’re nurturing a new life within you. Embrace self-care, seek support, and cherish this miraculous journey. If you do experience PMAD-Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders, you may need more serious interventions that can be helped with your primary care doctor. 

Book a consult with Mana Integrative Health. Mana offers pre and postpartum support for women looking for natural solutions for their insomnia, anxiety, and depression. 

Book a Fatigue Evaluation Call to learn about what level of fatigue you are experiencing and what steps to take to fix it. 

Join the private support group “Fixing Fatigue for Exhausted Working Moms” for ongoing support and community here

Book your appointment with Mana Integrative health to learn more about how functional medicine can help you achieve your health goals.

By Montserrat Corsino, L.Ac., MSOM
Instagram: Montsehealth

Montserrat is the owner and lead practitioner of Mana Integrative Health. She specializes in helping exhausted moms with hormonal, digestive, and mental/emotional imbalances. 

Disclaimer: This blog post provides general information and should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult your healthcare provider.